We are pleased to announce the time schedule for the Final Rounds of 2021 Music Singapore International Piano & Violin Competition.
For local contentants, click here
Venue: Asia Music Recital Studio
Address: 80 Marine Parade Road, Parkway Parade, #15-01, Singapore 449269
Grand Piano: Yamaha G3
Please follow the following procedure:
Check the date and time according to your category.
Notify your repertoire and duration ask@musicsingapore.com.sg if you haven’t done so.
Upon arrival, register with our receptionist.
Each contestant will be given a Number Tag for identification purposes.
Only contestants are allowed to stay inside the premises, parents or guardians are not allowed.
Longer waiting time is expected, hence, please take proper meal before arrival.
Contestants will be ushered in a group of 5 to the Recital Studio for Live Performance.
In the studio, there will be local judges and video team for live streaming purposes.
Contestants are required to pass the Number Tag to the Usher who will present it in front of the camera.
Contestants should bow before and after their performance.
Dress code is formal concert attire.
Contestants can remove their face masks inside the Recital Studio or remain with the mask on.
Contestants can leave after their performance.
The whole performance can be watched live at www.facebook.com/asiamusicstore according to the schedule.
For overseas contentants, click here
Live Stream: Zoom
Link and Password: Information will be sent on Tuesday 16 March 2021.
Please follow the following procedure:
Check the date and time according to your category.
Notify your repertoire and duration ask@musicsingapore.com.sg if you haven’t done so.
Zoom login details will be sent to you via email, as well as a Number Tag to print out for identification purposes.
You need to prepare two devices, one to log in to Zoom (livestream), and one to record your performance simultaneously.
Make sure you have sufficient battery life and stable internet connection.
Place your devices so you can be seen clearly on both.
The printed Name Tag must be visible during the livestream.
Log in into the given Zoom link 30 minute earlier, using the same name as your registration.
Our Video Team will let you know when your performance is going to start and ask you to get ready.
You’re required to send the recording of your performance to ask@musicsingapore.com.sg.
The whole performance can be watched live at www.facebook.com/asiamusicstore according to the schedule.