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Judges & Members
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1987年毕业于西安音乐学院声乐系,师从系主任薛明教授、资深钢琴教授徐韵梅、院长刘大冬 教授(指挥)并留院任教。1990年考入中央音乐学院指挥系研修班,师从中国第一代女指挥家 郑晓瑛教授、副主任吴灵芬教授及上海音乐学院,中国合唱界泰斗马革顺教授。马老曾高度评 价吴杰同学称其为“音乐上保持清醒头脑,不可多得的青年人”。


2000年赴美国纽约追随茱丽叶音乐学院声乐系Danny Ferro教授学习。曾指挥新加坡交响乐 团铜管五重奏、捷克布拉格弦乐室内乐团等演出。合作过孔朝晖与巫漪丽的小提琴与钢琴“梁 祝”等音乐项目。


教学经历包括在中国西安音乐学院和新加坡南洋艺术学院担任高级讲师。曾任莱佛士书院莱 佛士之声、莱佛士女中合唱团等学校客卿指挥,也担任L'arc乐团指挥。在中国音乐家协会、陕 西合唱协会等机构任职。目前是新加坡音乐家协会副会长、作曲家协会理事、新加坡韵野音 乐总裁。


曾指挥多个合唱团在国际比赛中获得金、银奖。合作并参与新加坡交响乐团、新加坡华乐 团、新加坡歌剧院等演出。多次受邀担任比赛评委,同时在新加坡、马来西亚和中国等地主持 关于指挥、声乐、键盘等主题的讲座。代表指挥作品包括亨德尔的“弥赛亚”、莫扎特的“安魂 曲”等。


在制作不同类型的庆典、比赛、音乐会等活动方面有丰富经验。曾负责监制“北京水立方杯”世 界华裔青少年歌唱大赛新加坡地区海选两届,并获得中国国务院侨务办公室颁发的“杰出组织 奖”。2006年获得COMPASS颁发的“卓越才艺奖”;2013年荣获华源杨振宁颁发的第二届“新移 民杰出贡献奖”。


多年的艺术经历得到了社会各界的高度认可。他被誉为一位才华横溢、音乐素养丰富的古典 音乐家,其作品充满音乐激情和理性逻辑,表现出深厚的音乐悟性。

Graduating from the Vocal Music Department of Xi'an Conservatory of Music in 1987, he was under the tutelage of Professor Xue Ming, the head of department, Xu Yunmei, the senior piano professor, and Professor Liu Dadong (Conductor), the dean. Following graduation, he continued his association with the school as a teacher.


In 1990, he was admitted to the Conducting Department of the Central Conservatory of Music's training class. His mentors included Professor Zheng Xiaoying, the first female conductor in China; Professor Wu Lingfen, deputy director; and Professor Ma Geshun, a leading figure in the Chinese choral world at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Mr. Ma commended Wu Jie as 'a rare young man who keeps his head clear in music.'


His quest for knowledge led him to New York in 2000, where he studied under Professor Danny Ferro in the Vocal Music Department of the Juilliard School of Music.


Throughout his career, he has been associated with notable performances, including "Andante Cantabile" by the Brass Quintet of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and the Prague String Chamber Orchestra in the Czech Republic, "Butterfly Lovers" for violin and piano by violinist Kong Zhaohui and pianist Wu Yili, and Ma Sicong's Violin Works Collection, among others.


His teaching and professional experiences extend from the Xi'an Conservatory of Music in China to the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore, where he served as a senior lecturer. He has undertaken roles such as a guest conductor for various institutions, including Raffles Voice of Raffles Institution and Raffles Girls' High School Choir, and conductor of L'arc Orchestra.


His active involvement in associations includes serving as a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, a director of the Shaanxi Chorus Association, vice president of the Singapore Composers Association, and director of the Huayuan Association and art troupe.


Currently, he holds positions as Vice President of the Singapore Musicians Association, a director of the Composers Association, and the President of Singapore Yunye Music. In his role as a conductor and music director, he has led choirs to victory in competitions across various countries.


As an accomplished judge, he has been invited to adjudicate competitions in Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and other regions. He has also contributed to music education through lectures on conducting, vocal music, and keyboard in Singapore, Malaysia, and China.


His artistic endeavours have been acknowledged with awards such as the "Excellent Talent Award" from COMPASS in 2006 and the second "New Immigrant Outstanding Contribution Award" from Huayuan Yang Zhenning in 2013.


With a wealth of artistic experience, he is recognized for his full musical literacy, clear musical passion, stable music technology, and insightful musical understanding. His interpretations carry emotional depth and rationality, demonstrating a logical expression and the power of influence at the philosophical level of music. 


Wu Jie

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